You may connect with what he says, may have different views but will definitely agree undeniably on many facts that he states, emotions he expresses. You cannot help yourself but smiling at times when he narrates his experience, his attachments and bonding.
Amar Jyoti Sarma, An FP_Enthusiast from Assam (The Land of Tea Gardens) you go
1. What does the word Pen meant to you?
A pen is a writing instrument to pen down your thoughts. It can be roller pen, ball pen,Jotter or a fountain pen. For me, the fountain pens are the classiest writing instruments. They are not perfect and need the occasional tuning as per your writing style and grip. This makes them more personal than any other writing instruments. You work on its wetness, fineness, smoothness till it represents you. Its unique, personal and therefore an extension of yourself.
Its very personal and reflects your personality.
2. Where did you get your inspiration from?
I inherited my father's Wingsung pens. In 2010, when I inked those pens, I instantly liked the flow of ink and the sound of the nib on paper. It was an instant connection. However, the nib was not at it's best. So, I looked for spare nibs on internet. Meanwhile, I became very curious about Indian handmade pens, especially in Ebonite. I ordered the cheapest (economically, of course) two I could find from ASA website ( I didn't want to lose money as online transactions were still very new). The pens were made by Gama. And I got hooked. I became fascinated with ebonite pens from ASA, Gama and so started my journey.
I like to believe that I am a user rather than a collector as I buy pens that I believe will give me a better experience than its aesthetic value.
Wingsungs |
3. What drives you towards a pen?
I have become very particular about my pens over the last decade. I am a user and therefore, writing is my utmost priority. The feel of the nib scratching on the paper and the ink trail giving shape to my thoughts, feels magical. The wetness of the ink, the color, the fineness everything is personalized for me. This can happen only with a fountain pen. However, there is no perfect fountain pen. You have to work on it and make it perfect for yourself. You have to get your hands dirty sometimes and when you are done, you have a pen that is an extension of yourself. Many people don't like my settings of a pen but that is me. I like my pen that way.
4. Which is your go to pen? What features you look for when selecting a pen? Actually "How do you like your pen to be"?
A few pens that I can never do without would be Kanwrite Desire with a semi flex M nib, Pilot 78 G with an F nib and Deccan Advocate with an F nib. I like my nibs as fine as possible, slightly dry so that the ink dries out quickly on the paper, it should have a mid sized section and neither too heavy, nor too light. I am very particular when it comes to my writing experience. Besides those, ASA Maya is also my favourite.
Kanwrite |
Pilot |
5.How big is your collection of pens? Can you share their pics and details, how you feel about them?
I have about 300 pens, mostly Indian FPs from Gama, ASA, Guider, Ratnam and Ranga. I have a few Kanwrites. I have about 100 Chinese pens and some vintage Parkers, Sheaffers and Indian vintage too. But I am primarily in Indian handmade ebonites and an occasional acrylic. However, I collect Indian vintage pens as I feel that they need to be preserved for posterity. Nothing beats the feel of ebonite in hand though I like acrylic for its vibrant colors.
6. What measures you feel are essential on part of manufacturers and FP dealer/retailers in India to make the FP popular?
Japan and Germany had the advantage of starting earlier in a perfect multinational conglomerate way. They have over the period of time build their brand in such a way that people do not mind buying their products at a premium because they are assured of the quality and after sales service. Indian manufacturers are more or less operating like cottage industries. Further, India still doesn't produce enough raw material and parts required to make fountain pens. So, certain compromises has to be made. You may get quality but the price goes high or you may make it affordable but the effect of cost cutting is apparent. For example, we do not have steady supply of clips and rings of good quality or the rods or sheets (of ebonite and acrylic) to make the FP body. However, even with this limitations our pens can do much better by investing more time on quality check and by creating an effective after sales services. Most people want a good experience out of the box. No body really has time to work on the pen or send it back again for servicing. Consumers will think twice before sending a pen back for servicing and wait for its arrival. Therefore some kind of network of after sales service is the need of the hour. But quality check before the user uses the pen is the utmost priority.
7. How active are you on Social media?
I am mostly in FB and I am working actively in a new FB group called Pen's and Calligraphers forum. The idea of this group is not just to display the collection of FP but also enjoy creating something with it, even if it's just a scribble. After all, an FP is a writing instrument. An FP should help you express yourself. Just enjoy your pen.
9. Tell me about your profession and hobbies, apart from FP and inks
I am a weird person. Do you know I collect or rather cant throw away the card board boxes and cartons of my fountain pens, mobiles, cameras. ππ
Besides pen, I love electronic gadgets like mobiles, cameras and such small gadgets. I love tinkering with electrical or electronic goods. I have spoiled 3 of my phones trying to repair them myself by watching youtube guides. I love riding motorcycles. I have a Pulsar when I feel sporty and a Enfield Classic 500 when I want a long ride. I do amateur gardening. I love reading about astrophysics. Everything about Origin of the universe, relativity quantum mechanics. I don't understand it like a scientist but I like reading it in its simplified form. Do you know that time will stand still if you can travel at the speed of light. Unfortunately, that would require infinite energy. The unsolved mysteries of the world really fascinates me. I go to sleep trying to visualize falling into a black hole and its consequences.
Professionally, I am a senior lecturer of law in BRM Govt. Law College.

8. Well giving messages to all is easy and most common question, but I would like to ask, whats your opinion about impulse purchases?
I feel that an FP must be enjoyed first. It must be, like one of my friend said, exploited. Get the maximum out of it. Yes, collecting them as investments is also a viable option but beyond that don't ever fall in the rat race of buying pens just because somebody else bought it. Ask yourself, do you really need another fountain pen and why? If you are satisfied with your answer then definitely go for it.
Dislaimer :
- All views expressed in this post are of the Amar Jyoti Sarma and published after his expressed consent.
- The copyright of all pictures and images are of respective brand owners/ Amar Jyoti Sarma.
- The author cannot be responsible legally or otherwise, for Any loss or damage or injury by use of any product.
- Respective Brand owners and manufacturers have their copyright of their brands and warranty on products.
- Respective Brands and owners are responsible for promotion of their products and maintaining information and catalogues.
- This post is all about passion of an individual and expressed as such. No inferences to be drawn out of it. Readers to make informed decisions for any action of sale/purchase or use of any article mentioned above.
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